One Thousand Words a Day
I made a goal for myself to write one thousand words a day, and sometimes, to meet my goal, I have to repeat myself.

I made a goal for myself to write one thousand words a day
And sometimes to meet my goal
I have to repeat myself.
I made a goal for myself to write one thousand words a day
And sometimes to meet my goal
I have to repeat myself, but differently.
I made a goal to write a thousand words a day.
But sometimes, to meet my goal,
I have to repeat myself, but louder.
I made a goal to write a thousand words a day.
But sometimes, to meet my goal,
I have to repeat myself, but quieter.
I made a goal to write a thousand words a day.
But sometimes, to meet my goal,
I have to repeat myself, but in a way that draws attention.
I made a goal to write a thousand words a day.
But sometimes, to meet my goal,
I have to repeat myself, but emphatically.
I made a goal to write a thousand. words. a day.
Sometimes, to meet my goal,
I have to repeat myself. over. and over.
I made a goal to write a thousand words a day.
But sometimes, to meet my goal,
I have to repeat myself, and repeat myself, and repeat myself, and let you fix me.
i maid a goal to right a thousand words a day.
but sun times too meat my goal
i have to repeet myself, but with more words.
I plotted for myself a destination, not physical, but personal,
An objective, an achievement to attain –
To take my thoughts and pen them to paper for one thousand words a day,
And not just thoughts, but ideas and tributaries of cognition
That reveal myself to myself as I reflect.
Yet there are times, not all the time but sometimes,
This is simply unachievable for a day;
It is in those times, that I found a solution bathed in persistence,
That is, to repeat myself in paths new and exciting, paths that are simpler.
Goal: 1,000 words/day.
Result: Failure.
Solution: Begin again.
I made a goal for myself to write one thousand words a day
And sometimes to meet my goal
I have to repeat myself.
I made a goal for myself to write one thousand words a day
And sometimes I think the struggle isn’t worth it
Because the destination is so very far away.
I made a goal for myself to write one thousand words a day
And sometimes to meet my goal
I lean on the sweat and tears of those who have gone before me.
I made a goal for myself to write one thousand words a day
And sometimes I wither under the expectation
I have created for myself, and why?
I made a goal for myself to write one thousand words a day
And sometimes the monotony, the tedium, the senselessness of it all
Wears me raw until I no longer even know what I’m doing.
I made a goal for myself to write one thousand words a day
And sometimes to meet my goal
I have to repeat myself.
I made a goal for myself to write one thousand words a day
And sometimes to meet my goal
I have to repeat myself.
I made a goal for myself to write one thousand words a day
And sometimes to meet my goal
I have to repeat myself.
I made a goal for myself to write one thousand words a day
And sometimes to meet my goal
My words are not enough.
Sometimes real meaning comes out of repetition.
Sometimes strength rises from weakness.
Sometimes my persistent whisper breaks my life free of its bondages.
Because the strain of weariness and the anguish of lethargy
Are fought aside when I hear my own words echoed back to me,
When a quiet voice emerges from the void saying I am heard.
Because my repetition is not in vain when it is a word of truth
And when it speaks honesty to my reality of life and existence
There is hope in that voice.
I made a goal for myself to write one thousand words a day
And sometimes to meet my goal
I have to repeat myself.
Until I finally hear myself and believe myself,
That no words are mere words and no thoughts are mere thoughts
And no people are mere people.
I made a goal for myself to write one thousand words a day
And sometimes to meet my goal
I have to repeat myself.
And sometimes I realize my goal was never for a thousand words a day.
It was one thousand moments to listen to my body
Repeating and repeating until I let it sink in.
That my voice matters, that my heart has value,
That my words have meaning, that my breath has life,
That my life has purpose, that I myself matter.